
  • Q / W / O / P (deploy muse)
  • Space (start game)

an effort to participate in the Kenney Game Jam 2023. Sadly we ran out of time to complete a playable product within the time frame. 

The concept that our team took as a starting point of development is exploration as in "music exploration" and came up with an idea that place the player in the position to figure out what input is required to overcome obstacles. As in someone learning to play a new instrument explores how an action changes the sounds produced.

Had we secured more time, we would like to explore more audiovisual development to the game narration as in music that hypes up with more instruments or character animations. Brushing up the concept and gameplay to attain more feeling of "exploration" is also a viable direction.


  • Finiko Kasula Novenda (Gameplay Programmer, Animator)
  • Kukuh Basuki Rahmat (Gameplay Programmer, Game Design)
  • Lazuardi Firdaus (Audio Engineer)

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